In a world turned upside down, The CMTA Report continues to bring you help for today and hope for tomorrow. In this issue you’ll find helpful stories on tendon transfers, HNPP and nerve conduction studies, as well as hopeful news on recently funded research projects.
- A World Turned Upside Down: A Message from Our CEO
- The Surgical Correction of the CMT Foot, Part 2: Tendon Transfers
- CMTA Board Awards $856,000 for CMT1B, 2E Studies
- Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies Explained
- Acceleron Halts ACE-083 Trials
- I Am a Lab Rat No More…
- CMT Quilt Still Traveling
- Ask an Expert: EMG and NCS – What’s the Difference?
- CMTA Rolls Out CMTActive
- CMTActive On the Move
- Adapting to Change: From Weight Training to Yoga
- CosySoles Heated Slippers Warm Feet and Hearts
- Branch Leader Profile: Jeannie Zibrida, Atlanta
- Youngest-Ever Advisory Board Member Appointed
- Community Members Offer Helping Hands
- New CMTA Center of Excellence at UCSF