• DNA-Based Therapeutics: A Promising Future for CMT2E Treatment
    Researchers at the University of Miami, supported by the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) and its Strategy To Accelerate Research (STAR) and led by CMTA-STAR Advisory Board member Mario Saporta, MD, PhD, have made significant progress in ...
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  • CMT-SORD: Share Your Story
    CMT-SORD: What is Your Story? For many with CMT, the journey through diagnosis, acceptance, and living with this progressive disease can be isolating. Most research is conducted through a clinical lens that aims to improve symptoms. ...
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  • Chris Oviatt – Golfer with CMT
    Chris Oviatt is a golfer from Oregon who was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) in 1987. As she prepares for the US Adaptive Open in Kansas, Chris took time to chat with CMTA’s CEO Dr. ...
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  • CMTA Announces New Center of Excellence in Thailand
    The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA), the world’s largest philanthropic funder of research aimed at bringing treatments to patients and improving the lives of those living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), is excited to announce it has awarded ...
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  • CMTA Appoints David Skarinsky to its Therapy Expert Board
    The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA), the largest philanthropic funder of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) research that’s aimed at bringing treatments and a cure to patients of this rare disease, is pleased to announce the appointment of David ...
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