Alesta Therapeutics, a CMTA-STAR Alliance Partner focused on developing therapies for rare diseases, recently announced a successful financing that will allow them to address CMT through its innovative therapeutic candidate, ALE2. According to the company, ALE2 targets mutations in tRNA synthetase genes, several of which are linked to CMT2 subtypes, such as the GARS1 gene in CMT2D.

Alesta Therapeutics is working on a treatment to tackle the nerve damage caused by tRNA synthetase gene mutations in certain types of CMT. According to the company, their therapy, ALE2, works by shutting down a cell stress signal (called GCN2) that stays stuck in the “on” position due to these mutations, leading to ongoing nerve damage. Results in early lab studies with ALE2 are encouraging for CMT.

CMTA shares this exciting update from our CMTA-STAR Alliance Partner as part of our mission to empower the CMT community with the latest research breakthroughs, driving progress, delivering hope, and bringing us closer to effective treatments and a cure.

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Published on: January 23, 2025