Just “OWN” It!
Our community’s support is vital to furthering the mission of the CMTA. Wherever you are, YOU can help us raise awareness and research dollars by creating your “OWN” virtual challenge. With our easy-to-use online fundraising platform and a lot of help from our staff, you’ll have a fun-filled day and do it all your “OWN” way.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out Mary Louie at mary@cmtausa.org
Ready to do your “OWN” virtual challenge?
It’s easy! Here are a few examples of “OWN” virtual challenges. Just choose an activity, set a fundraising goal and complete the challenge on a predetermined date.
Move 4 CMT
(Be CMTActive and …)

- Walk 4 CMT
- Cycle 4 CMT
- Spin 4 CMT
- Roll 4 CMT
- Golf 4 CMT
- Swim 4 CMT
- Tri 4 CMT
- Ride a Horse 4 CMT
Party 4 CMT
(Request Donations for a …)

- Birthday
- Wedding
- Graduation
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- Anniversary or Other Special Occasion
Dare Me 4 CMT
(Take a Dare to …)

- Go Blue! (Dye your hair)
- Be silent for 24 hours
- Dress in a silly costume
- Wax your legs and film it
- Wear your clothes inside out for a day
- Grow/shave a mustache/beard
- Go 24 hours without a phone