“We choose to give monthly for a couple reasons. First and foremost, since our son has CMT we want to support an organization that will truly impact his future. Speaking of impact, it’s great to see such a large part of our donations go towards research and education. Far too many organizations spend a significant amount of donations on administration and overhead, so happy CMTA is not one of them! Thanks to the great work that is happening at CMTA, we hope someday soon we’ll hear about a cure or the ability to slow or stop the progression of CMT.” – James Fiorentino
We are so grateful to our Innervators for their loyal support, which allows us to continue to invest in invaluable educational initiatives and treatment-focused research. Join our action-oriented game changers by becoming a CMTA INNERVATOR.
Tracy Adamson
Richard Arsenault
Aaron Baker
David Balbi
Kelly Banner
James Barker
Chevelle Bazo
Donald W. Bean
Cheryl Bidgood
Aaron Bokmeyer
Robert E. Bollenbacher
Marilyn Booth
Lorna Brand
Laurie Brandvold
Deborah D. Breuer
Cor Broekhuijse
Alyssa Brolsma
Nancy and William Buchanan
Brenda Buckle
Adriana Burchard
Cynthia J. Carroll
Eric Case
Carmen Castro
Stacey Cerminaro
Judith Chin
Daniel Chrovian
Glen Citrin
Rick Clemente
David Coldiron
Peter T. Cole
Randall Cole
Kate Connelly
James Copeland
John H. Cordonnier
Diane M. Covington
Erin Crawford
John Czerwein
David Crowe
John Czerwein
Kelly Demonte
Linda Depadilla
Laura Dillon
Olavo Dinis
Sara Disney
Marilynn A. Dodge
Jacky Donahue
Edward Dudash
Bruce Egnew
David Erickson
Mia Everett
Laura Favret
Rick Fender
John Ferraro
Tera D. Fey
Jana Finckenhagen-Asmussen
James Fiorentino
Karen S. Fleming
Tom Fornoff
Efthimios Foundakos
Vanessa Franco Lopez
Ellen Fraser
Angela Freeland
Arya Fritz
Terry Froysland
James Fulmino
Maria Fulmino
Sarah Gentry
Kathy Giles
Trisha Glover
Jie Gong
Rebeka Green
Rob Greenstine
Peter Greeves
Stacy Groenink
Kathleen H. Hagedoorn
David and Nancy Haines
Patsy Harris
Pamela Hawkins
Steven Helmke
William Helmke
Kenneth Hill Jr
Austin Hinners
Joseph Hornick
Stacy Hoyle
Elaine Hudson
Nicole Hudson
Stephen Hudson
Diann Jackson
Mark Johnsen
Danielle Jolicoeur
Staffan Jondelius
Kelsey G. Jones
Doug Kampe
Carol Keene
Kathleen Keighron
Jean Keller
Heather Kercher
Craig Kesack
William Kesack
Paul Kettner
Eric Kightlinger
Sonae Kim
Alana Kohler
Frank S. Kramer
Jane Krukar
Doug Lane
Kristen K. Lange
Cara Leath
Christina Ledbetter
Nancy L. Leets
Norma Levy
Nathan Lewis
Jing Li
Matt Lindsay
Barbara A. Lloyd
Rosa LoParo
Robert Louden
Noel Magee
Robert Marton
Steve Mayer
Cady McClellan
Ryan Meloni
Ronnie Mendoza
Jennifer Mersing
Sheri Meyer
Richard and Kathleen Miller
William W. Millar
William Miller
Kim Misener
Stephanie Montisanti
Alba Moratinos
Carlos Moreno
Kaylee Morgan
George Morris
Fred A. Mueller
Jacob Mullins
Diane Navarrete
Michael Newell
Terrence M. O’Grady
Dawn M. Orr
John Otto
Jeannie Palmero
Bob Paulsen
Elizabeth Payne
Cristina Penas
Meredith Powers
Suzanne M. Powers
Jonathan Preston
Marcia Probasco
Susan Rems
Laurel Richardson
Barbara Roberts
Mauricio Rosas
Raymond Roth
Mary Russell
Yvonne Russell
Margery A. Sayward
Karen Scacco
Mario Scacco
Margaret Schaefer
Richard N. Schaeffer, Jr.
Donald Schlosser
Philip Schols
Margarita Shackelford
Deborah Shapiro
Loraine Shields
Lynn M. Shirey
Norman Shulman
Diane and Vic Shustak
Nellie Sicher
Debbie Sinclair
Nicole Sleeper
Arlene Smith
Margaret Smith
Bruce Spackman
Jennifer Stahl
Joyce A. Steinkamp
Gary Stender
Jim Stetor
Richele Stroop
Barbara Stuck
Per Stefan Svensson
Jessica Szempruch
Brett Taylor
Roger L. Tedford
Kathleen Tharp
Virginia Thiel
Mike Timmons
Vicky Townsend
Jordan D. Truxall
Dan Tuman
Jane Twaddell
Lynn C. Upton
Alexander Van Riper
Bruce Vieira
Tasha Ward
Tammy Weatherford
Judy Weinsheimer
Brian Weinstein
Robert J. Weis
Candace White
Gary E. Whitney
Cameron Wilke
Pat Williams
Mark Willis
Rebecca Willis
Zachary Willis
Robert C. Wills
Daniel J. Woltjer
Chansik Yang