
…der; PTSD; social disorder Simvastatin Zocor/Merck Elevated LDL cholesterol Statins (see specific drug names) Statins are generally prescribed to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels and to prevent coronary events. Tacrolimus…


…such as time of day for peak pain, number of hours per day with pain, or even triggering physical or psychologic events. These factors warrant further investiga- tion to better…


…us on the CMTA website at [Branch page URL]. Make sure to sign up for email updates so you will hear about our upcoming events! For questions or concerns, please…


…total of 22 Walks, Cycles and Swims 4 CMT. More than 1,500 people nationwide came out to support and participate in these incredible events, raising $152,600 in September alone. In…


…They are gained through hard-won experience and passed along like family treasures. They are shared at branch meetings, Patient/Family conferences and fundraising events. Some are merely helpful; others are life-changing….


1 Register Your Event Contact your CMTA National Events Manager, Andi Cosby (, with the following information to have your event added to our website. 1. Event Name – this…


…Facebook and to buy a $5 STAR for their CMT STAR. In location of walk or event, the participants will be walking, cycling, swimming, etc. For more information, visit….


…difference not only in her son’s life, but in the lives of all those with CMT. Through her writing, school-based presentations, work with the CMTA’s branches and various fundraising events,…


…for a small number of severe “adverse events” to occur. Many existing vaccines, including the flu shot, also can cause rare complications, including Guillain–Barré syndrome, seizures and sudden unexplained death….