State College, PA CMTA Branch Meeting (Virtual) with Guest Speaker

Date(s) - 02/18/2024
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

State College, PA CMTA Branch Meeting (Virtual) with Guest Speaker

Please join us (via Zoom) for the State College, PA CMTA Branch meeting on Sunday, February 18th at 7:30 pm EST. We will gather virtually to welcome guest speaker Laurel Richardson, CMTA’s Director of Community Outreach. Laurel will share updates from the CMTA, her personal CMT story, and the power of positivity. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and network with others who have CMT in your local area. We hope you will join us for this exciting meeting – all are welcome!

To receive the Zoom link needed to join this meeting, please RSVP to Branch Leader Lois Martin:

Please join the State College, PA CMTA Branch Facebook page to stay up to date with the latest meetings and CMTA events: