CMTA Lunch & Learn: CMT Gadgets and Assistive Technology

Date(s) - 03/28/2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

CMTA Lunch & Learn: CMT Gadgets and Assistive Technology

Please join us on March 28th at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time for the first Lunch & Learn education meeting of the year, when we will welcome Ashley McLeroy, MSME. Ashley is the Director of Alabama’s Assisted Technology Act Program, Rehabilitation Engineer, Assistive Technology Specialist, and Disability Advocate. She will be discussing the top-rated assistive technology devices for CMT’ers and sharing helpful household gadgets.

Once registered, the CMTA will email you a link to join the video meeting. The CMTA will be using ZOOM video meeting software for these events. You do not need to install ZOOM software but internet access is required.