CMTA Lunch & Learn: End of the Year Fireside Chat and Q/A

Date(s) - 12/20/2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

CMTA Lunch & Learn: End of the Year Fireside Chat and Q/A

Please join us (via ZOOM) for our last “Lunch & Learn” Webinar of the year on Wednesday, December 20th at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time for one hour where we will welcome special guests Sue Bruhn, PhD, the CMTA’s CEO, and Katherine Forsey, PhD, the CMTA’s Chief Research Officer. The purpose of this meeting is two-fold: 1. to answer the most frequently asked questions that came in during the CMTA Patient & Research Summit on November 4, and 2. To introduce you to the CMTA’s new Chief Executive Officer, Sue Bruhn, PhD.

Once registered, the CMTA will email you a link to join the video meeting. The CMTA will be using ZOOM video meeting software for these events. You do not need to install ZOOM software but internet access is required.