Welcome to our Branch

What Are CMTA Branches?

CMTA Branches are volunteer-led local support and education groups for those living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease and their loved ones. We invite all community members to join these vibrant groups of active and caring individuals in your area to share resources, ideas, CMT-related information, and personal experiences and to, ultimately, build life-long friendships and support. Meetings focus on CMT education, awareness, research updates, fundraising initiatives, advocacy, and current events and will include guest speakers. The branches also offer a meaningful outlet for connecting with others who have CMT. All are welcome to join a branch near them or to participate in a virtual branch meeting.

To learn more about CMTA Branches, contact Laurel Richardson at laurel@cmtausa.org.

Greenville, SC CMTA Branch

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Greenville, SC CMTA Branch
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The Greenville, SC CMTA Branch is for those who have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and their loved ones. We welcome you to join this vibrant group of active and caring individuals in your area to share resources, ideas, CMT-related information, and personal experiences and to, ultimately, build life-long friendships and support. Meetings will focus on CMT education, awareness, research updates, fundraising initiatives, advocacy, and current events and will include guest speakers. We love newcomers and hope you will join us at our next meeting!

135 Commonwealth Dr Entrance C
South Carolina
St Francis Women's Medical
Rebecca Lauriault

Branch Leader Picture
I was diagnosed with CMT1A when I was 3 yrs old. My father and sister have it as well. I have been married for 16 years. I am a stay at home mom to 3 active and beautiful children. My middle child, Timothy(9) has CMT and was diagnosed at 18mos. I enjoy raising awareness and educating others about CMT.In my spare time I enjoy sewing, playing games and spending time with my family!
Amanda Jenkins

Branch Co-Leader Picture
Amanda. has three children, two boys and one girl. Her son Maddox, was diagnosed with CMT1A in December of 2017. Now six years old, Maddox is doing great with therapy and continues to fight CMT! Amanda and her family live in Easley, South Carolina. She loves spending time with her family and spends free time at the ball field.

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