Page 9 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 9

recipients to have available a                                   Dr. Mario Saporta,
      flashlight, a safety pin or paper
      clip for testing pinprick sensations,                            director of University of
      a cotton ball or Q-tips to test light                            Miami’s CMTA Center
      touch sensations, a card or coin to
      test hand dexterity and strength, a                              for Excellence says the
      plastic cup or glass and a blood                                 clinic’s format is much
      pressure monitor.
          They are also asked to have a                                the same as it was
      caregiver or family members pre-                                 pre-pandemic.
      sent during the assessment to help
      with things like the pin prick tests.  and Medicaid Services is no longer  half the clinic’s patients do. The
      Dr. Saporta jokes that he awards  enforcing a requirement that   platform works particularly well
      those helpers honorary neurology  patients have an established rela-  for CMT, he said, because it is a
      degrees.                        tionship with a physician in order  slowly progressive chronic condi-
          Saporta said his team is also  to receive telehealth. Most health  tion, as opposed to a something
      experimenting with using “telere-  insurance companies including  like MS where patients have sud-
      habilitation” in which therapists  Aetna, Cigna and UnitedHealth-  den, acute flare-ups. “It’s very rare
      assess functional ability and weak-  Care are covering virtual visits  for CMT patients to throw us a  As The CMTA Report
                                                                                                       goes to press, some
      ness progression, then devise a  during the pandemic.            curveball,” he added.           states and insurers
      rehabilitation plan for the patient.  Saporta believes that tele-   All in all, Saporta said, “Given  are beginning to
      “The rest is education,” he said.   health is here to stay. Patients seem  the constraints we are facing the  restrict telemedicine
          While telemedicine can’t    to like it, he said, particularly  system works very well at keeping  appointments.
      accomplish genetic testing, kits  those who come from more than  both patient and doctor healthy  Before you arrange
                                                                                                       one, check to make
      can be sent to patients with    three hours away, as more than   and safe.” h                    sure it’s covered.
      instructions for taking mouth
      swabs or saliva samples, which can
      then be mailed directly to the
      genetic laboratory. And because    SIX CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
      genetic testing labs operate sepa-  SURVEYED
      rately from other testing labs,
      they’ve not been overwhelmed          n informal survey of six other Centers of Excellence revealed that all of them have
      with testing for the coronavirus.   A moved to telemedicine appointments since the pandemic began. The respondents were
          The complex web of insur-      Dr. Kevin Felice with the Hospital for Special Care, Dr. Raghav Govindarajan from the
      ance and regulatory issues to      University of Missouri–Columbia, Dr. Ryan Jacobson at Rush University in Chicago,
      permit telehealth have largely been  Dr. Jun Li at Wayne State, Dr. Rebecca Traub at UNC Chapel Hill and Dr. Sasa Zivkovic
      resolved at this point. HIPAA (the  at the University of Pittsburgh.
      Health Insurance Portability and       Only two of the respondents had ever done telemedicine appointments before the
      Accountability Act of 1996) regu-  pandemic began: one had done a few telemedicine appointments, though not for CMT
      lations were relaxed in March to   patients and one had previously done inpatient video consults. Four of the six had zero
      allow providers to use virtual plat-  experience with telemedicine up to that point.
      forms like Zoom and Skype for          Appointments covered a wide variety of subjects, including diagnosis, genetic testing
      visits with patients. After the pan-  and counseling, reviewing test results, disease progression, adjusting medication for symp-
      demic was declared a national      tom management and pain management. The doctors found it very helpful to observe
      emergency on March 13, the U.S.    patients walking and standing in their home environment in order to assess their current
      Department of Health and           needs. They also praised telemedicine for the convenience it offers patients, particularly
      Human Services waived federal      those at high risk for coronavirus and those who have to travel long distances.
      licensing regulations to permit        Obviously, not everything can be covered in a telemedicine appointment.
      out-of-state physicians to treat   Respondents cited as examples EMG and NCT tests, the difficulty in performing
      patients via telemedicine.         a good neurological examination, PT and OT assessments, orthotics assessments and
          Telemedicine visits are now    anything that requires a detailed exam.
      covered by Medicare regardless of      All six plan to continue telemedicine appointments, subject to insurance carriers
      whether the patient lives in a rural  continuing to cover them.
      area and the Centers for Medicare

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