Page 7 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 7


                                                                       self, the observer of the thoughts,
                                                                       from the actual fearful thoughts.
         How do I deal with the mental stress                          A great way to interrupt the obses-
         of the current pandemic AND my CMT at the                     sive stream of worry thoughts is to
         same time?                                                    simply take a deep breath and lis-
                                                                       ten to yourself breathe. It’s
                                                                       impossible to listen to your breath
                                                                       and your thinking at the same
      CMTA Advisory Board Member      in my body  signaled “My life is  time.
      David Tannenbaum replies:       over” and left me gripped by        The gradual recognition and
                                      panic? Too many! Getting a han-  observation of your negative
      This is a strange time for the  dle on fear and truly            thinking is an ongoing practice.
      world in many ways, but those of  understanding the nature of fear  You won’t be able to catch your-
      us with CMT have had to deal    can be the beginning of a life with  self every time but it gets easier.
      with strangeness and adversity all  much less worry. I will share with  Just pay attention and observe
      of our lives. “We grow through  you what I have learned.         your thinking. Take this time of  David Tannenbaum
      adversity,” a wise man once said. I  I have learned that fear is usu-  COVID-19 to work on your-  answers questions from
      was young when I first heard that  ally based on some narrative that  selves and appreciate the joy in  readers in his column
      and I needed to get a lot older to  we create in our mind. It is often a  simple things. Being home a lot  “What’s On Your Mind?
                                                                                                        Ask David” regularly in
      truly understand what it meant. I  story about the future or the past.  reminds us to feel grateful that  The CMTA Report.
      strongly believe that adversity  Fear cannot survive in the present  we actually have a home in   David has an LCSW
      pushes us to go deeper within our-  moment. Our mind is constantly  which to shelter. Having our  degree and has been a
      selves and gives us an opportunity  creating scenarios. All the thoughts  ability to go to concerts or eat  psychotherapist in New
                                                                                                        York City for the past 30
      to develop the coping skills we  that go through your mind are not  out taken away is frustrating, but  years, specializing in help-
      need to be our best. The uncer-  who you really are. They are the  being able to cook at home and  ing others with the task of
      tainty and fear of the COVID-19  product of your conditioning over  enjoy our food is golden. How  growing emotionally and
      crisis is not all that different from  a lifetime. Your suffering is usually  much more are we able to appre-  spiritually through physical
                                                                                                        challenges. “My CMT has
      the uncertainty and fear we face in  a product of your fearful thoughts  ciate our friends and family when  been my greatest challenge
      living with CMT. In some ways,  and not the situation.                     we are unable to see   and my best teacher in
      having CMT has prepared us for  Simply recognizing                         them. A neighbor       life,” says David.
      COVID-19. Those of us who       and observing this                         offered to shop for
      have already adjusted our lives to  stream of thinking—  In some           me. I was so touched
      moving around less than others  without judging or    ways, having         by that gesture.
      may have experienced less of a  holding on to these                        Accepting help with
      dramatic change than others.    thoughts—is a way        CMT has           gratitude is some-
      COVID-19, like our CMT, is      to release them and      prepared          thing I have had to
      forcing us to slow down and sepa-  bring you back to the                   learn. Experiencing
      rate the essential from the     present moment and         us for          solitude is very differ-
      non-essential. We are thinking  the peace that is      COVID-19.           ent than loneliness.
      about what is truly important in  underneath all these                     With the Internet we
      our lives.                      habitual behaviors.                        can stay connected,
         Uncertainty and fear are feel-  You can have these                      but in our solitude
      ings that I have ardently explored  thoughts without identifying with  we have an opportunity to get to
      all my life in an attempt to avoid  any one thought. Worry arises  know ourselves without all the
      being paralyzed by them. Even   from thinking about the future   distractions that we usually have.
      more than my physical limitations,  that you can’t control. In the pre-  And just maybe when we let go
      my fears of the future were the  sent moment you can take an     of all the self judgment and com-
      cause of much stress and anxiety.  action or realize there is nothing  parisons, we will actually like
      How many times has some change  you can do. Try to separate your-  what we find! h

                                                                                           SUMMER 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   7
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