Page 6 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 6

NEW CMT TYPE                    theory using skin cell fibroblasts  blood sample could flag people at
                         (continued from page 4)
                                                         from CMT patients. The team      risk and could also help physicians
                         them ran into each other over   found that just as in the fruit fly  monitor their response to treat-
                         lunch. When he told her about his  model, when relevant genes were  ment over time.
                         team’s discovery, she said he could  inactivated, they saw accumulation  The core study team included
                         introduce the gene mutation into  of the sorbitol and a reversal with  INC members Dr. Michael Shy,
                         her fruit fly model.            the addition of the medication.  MD, from the University of Iowa,
                             Dr. Zhai and colleagues were    According to Dr. Züchner,    and David Hermann, MBBCh,
                         able to genetically manipulate flies  SORD neuropathy will represent  from the University of Rochester,
                         to raise sorbitol levels, causing pre-  one of the first examples of a treat-  both of whom are also on the
                         cisely the same kind of damage  able hereditary neuropathy. The  CMTA STAR Advisory Board,
                         observed in people. The fruit flies  experience with SORD neuropa-  and Dr. Rosemary R. Shy from
                         with neuronal damage behaved    thy reinforces the power of      the University of Iowa. Dr. Mario
                         differently, but when treated,  international collaborations, which  Saporta, MD, assistant professor
                         showed an “amazing reversal” of  can accelerate the journey from  of neurology at the Miller School,
                         their altered movements, Dr. Zhai  gene identification to effective  also participated in the study. He
                         said, adding, “This is truly    treatment, he said.              built and runs the premier CMT
                         remarkable. In my career I work     “This story is really unique.  clinic in Florida and is a member
                         on neurodegenerative diseases, and  Because we can measure the sor-  of the CMTA STAR Advisory
                         I’ve never seen such complete sup-  bitol, we will be able to determine  Board. “Without the support of
                         pression of the phenotype. We are  effectiveness of treatments and  the Inherited Neuropathy Consor-
                         very excited about this.”       even can determine pathogenicity  tium and the CMTA, this work
                             After modeling CMT in fruit  of DNA variants,” Dr. Züchner   would not have been possible,”
                         flies, the next step was to test the  said. Measuring sorbitol levels in a  Dr. Züchner said. h

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