Page 15 - 2021 Summer CMTA Report
P. 15

Most people should eat almost half of   type of fat is important: Saturated   result in toxicity. Curcumin, on the
        their daily calories in carbohydrates,   and trans fats and Omega-6 fats   other hand, has been shown to reduce
        Kevern said, which supply energy to   are more pro-inflammatory while     inflammatory markers and is “definitely
        muscles. The type and the amount are   monounsaturated fats and Omega-3s   worth a try,” she said. Creatine has
        important—too many carbs or overly   are anti-inflammatory. Healthy fats are   also been shown to be pretty helpful
        processed or refined carbs can make   found in foods like fatty cold-water   and worth investigating. She also
        one tired. Carbs are found in three main   fishes, avocado, walnuts, olive oil    recommended probiotic foods like
        food groups—starches and grains, fruits   and flax, to name a few.        kimchi, kefir and yogurt, but cautioned
        and dairy products. Simple carbs are                                      that it takes several weeks to get the
        generally more processed and do not   Micronutrients are vitamins and     gut population healthy.
                                             minerals. They don’t have calories,
        contain fiber while complex carbs usual-
        ly also have fiber, which is important for   Kevern explained, and they are best   Magnesium, which can help with both
                                                                                  cramping and sleep, is fairly easy to
                                             when they come from food rather
        slowing digestion, regular bowel move-
        ments, heart health and colon health.  than supplements because they then   get from food like legumes, nuts and
                                             interact with other components in our   seeds, but people can definitely take a
        Kevern doesn’t recommend a keto—     food like phytonutrients. Essentially,   supplement if they’re not eating a lot of
        or low-carb—diet for CMT patients. It’s   she said, “You really cannot out-  those foods.
        important to have adequate carbs for   supplement a bad diet.” Supplements
        your muscles, she said, and putting the   don’t go through the Food and Drug   Finally, Kevern said, avoiding chronic
                                                                                  diseases like heart disease, cancer
        additional strain of a keto diet on the   Administration’s approval process,
        body is not optimal. Similarly, inter-  so “even pill to pill in the same bottle   and diabetes is also critically important
                                                                                  in helping optimize muscle health.
        mittent fasting is not always a good   can have different quantities of that
        idea for someone with CMT, she said,   vitamin.” She recommended only     “There are so many reasons to take
                                                                                  care of your body, whether or not it’s
        because fasting for more than 16 hours   taking supplements that have gone
        is “a long time to not be giving your   through third-party testing.      going to help your CMT. Optimizing
                                                                                  your nutrition and your overall health is
        body energy.”
                                             Kevern noted that while B vitamins   going to make everything better in the
        Fat is “super important for nerve    play an important role in metabolism,   long run.”
        health,” Kevern said, noting that the   B6 toxicity is possible and can actually
        myelin sheaths surrounding nerves    cause neuropathy. Generally, she said,   Watch the complete video at
        are about 70 percent fat. Again, the   more than 200 milligrams a day can

                                                                                                SUMMER 2021  THE CMTA REPORT
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