Page 13 - 2020 Spring CMTA Report
P. 13


      Here is a sample of group member’s comments and answers to moderators’ questions:

      How do you motivate yourself to                                  Anyone here into gardening?
      be active and exercise regularly?  By “listening” to others we   What tactics/tools do you use to
                                       learn so much—support           make it more comfortable to use
      •  I think CMT IS my motivator. If I
        didn’t have CMT I don’t know if I’d  and encouragement is      your green thumb?
        be as active as I am. Because of  powerful medicine—           •  Great question! I now container
        CMT I’m hyper aware of what’s  keep MOVING!                      garden almost entirely. I love
        happening to my body and what                                    daylilies and they are in the
        will happen over time. As a result,                              ground. I have a beautiful raised
        I’m super motivated to stay active  Who has a routine to walk their  bed my wife gave me. I grow veg-
        and make sure my body is as   dog (or pet) to stay CMTActive?    etables and flowers in it. I grow
        strong as it can be. In many ways                                annuals in pots of various sizes.
        being active and exercising has  •  I have not walked my dogs on my
        become a personal passion       feet for years. I now walk my ser-
        because of my CMT.              vice dog using my power
      •  Just ran a short mile race. Running  wheelchair. Every day, twice a
        is becoming a big part of my fit-  day—morning and evening—she
        ness and CMTActive journey while   insists!
        I still can! Second-to-last in my age
        group, so not last! Regardless, it’s  What activities do you enjoy the
        important to me to keep pushing  most? Trying to see what every-
        myself.                       one does to stay healthy and
      •  I am a professional horse trainer  strong.
        and a PATH International Certified
        Therapeutic Riding Instructor. I  •  “G’day! At 69 many of my activi-
        started my own self study of CMT  ties have been reduced but I still
        and I’m trying to develop a pro-  continue with regular trail horse
        gram using horsemanship to      riding in the bush (which requires
        exercise/strengthen the muscles  daily ground activity to keep my
        affected by CMT.”               horse fed, clean and healthy).
      •  By “listening” to others we learn so  •  Lots of distance wheeling in my
        much—support and encouragement  manual wheelchair, which provides
        is powerful medicine—keep       90 percent of my mobility—100
        MOVING!                         percent when working, shopping,
      •  This group helps me keep my posi-  etc.
        tive attitude! Seeing other people  •  Can still crawl around a campsite
        coping with CMT shows me that I  to put up my tent, cook a meal, etc.
        am not alone! I know I have to  •  Playing physical games with my ten
        wear AFOs, and carry a walking  grandchildren (ages 2 to 19).
        stick, but there are things I can   •  I do go to the gym and use non-
        still do!                       weight-bearing machines to maintain
      •  CMT = Courage, Motivation &    strength in arms and legs but find it
        Tenacity. I believe you have to have  boring (weight and strength resis-
        the courage, motivation and tenac-  tance, no aerobic).
        ity to keep moving forward and not  •  Hands/fingers strength loss and
        let the challenges in life, including  reduced fine motor skills present
        those of CMT, stop you from your  many barriers that continually
        passion.                        require lots of individual and
                                        changing solutions to maintain

      All CMTers are invited to join the conversation at

                                                                                           SPRING 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   13
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